Governor Evers highlights the importance of vaccines after someone tested positive for COVID-19 at the budget signing event



MADISON, Wisconsin (CBS 58) – Governor Tony Evers and members of the medical community urge Wisconsinites to get the COVID-19 vaccine after a person tests positive since the governor’s draft budget was signed.

Last week the governor hosted a budget signing event at Cumberland Elementary in Whitefish Bay with members of his cabinet, Democratic MPs and students.

On Monday, July 12, Governor Evers’ office said in an email to event attendees it learned that someone from the Cumberland Elementary has since reported testing positive for the virus.

Evers, who is fully vaccinated and remains asymptomatic, is now emphasizing the importance of the vaccine.

Evers spokeswoman Britt Cudaback said: “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective and based on years of science and research pandemic behind us.”

Ajay Sethi, a professor of population health science at UW-Madison, said this scenario is evidence that the pandemic is not over yet.

“It’s a good reminder that anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated against COVID-19 should really do so because once you leave your house without a mask, you’re at risk of contracting the virus,” Sethi said.

The budget was signed in the school library. Before the event, Evers staff asked attendees to follow CDC and local health guidelines.

The CDC recently updated its guidelines to allow fully vaccinated students and faculty to take off the masks. The agency also says it is up to schools to set their own guidelines for tracking vaccinations.

Because the Delta variant is more contagious and becoming more common in the state, Sethi encourages school districts to monitor the spread in their community and use it as a decision-making tool.

“Anyone who is not vaccinated – the default should be wearing a mask, and if wearing a mask is not recommended when unvaccinated, local data must show very little to no COVID transmission,” Sethi said .

Governor Evers’ office said Tuesday they had not heard from anyone who tested positive from the event. They urge the unvaccinated to “seek a test quarantine immediately by July 22, regardless of your test results.”



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